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Marketing In A Noisy World

By Courtney

Marketing today has become a 24/7 job.  It's not like in the old days where you could just send one message out and your audience would get it.  I mean I remember the days when I would sit down and read through the newspaper and look at all of the stories and read the advertisements. I couldn't wait for the weekly newspaper to come out.  Today, if I ask some of my youth students if they read the newspaper, some of them would look at me like I was crazy.

I have to admit, today I don't even read the newspaper. With the technology age, it is just as easy to turn on my phone and flip through the headlines without even opening up the stories.  I get what is most important in 5 seconds rather than taking 30mins to read through an entire paper.

But what about advertising?  How do you get your message out to your audience if they are only skimming through to get what is important?

For me, advertising through social media is a great way to get my attention.  With all the ways Facebook and Twitter keep advancing, I find that I know about more events through either of those outlets than I do anywhere else. When I plan events for the youth group, I always create an event on Facebook. The great thing about that is you can invite your audience directly and can send out reminders to the attendees straight through Facebook. That is where all of my students look for info.But it all depends on if the majority of your audience is on social media.

If your audience isn't on social media, another option is direct mail.  Direct mail can also work side by side with social media.  Creating an attention getter brochure or flyer for your event can be a great tool for your marketing strategy.  The great thing about direct mail is it gives your audience the opportunity to pass along the information.

The key to successfully marketing in the noisy world today is to find out where your target audience is looking for their information.  Once you find that out, you can then determine what will make your marketing strategy work the best.

How do you get through the noise?

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