You can see the finish line. These last three steps are the only thing standing between you and your event. Fortunately, they are quick and easy. But don’t forget them, because they are very important.
- Confirm booking with the venue. Even though you are constantly working with the venue during the planning process, it is still important to confirm that your event is booked properly before going. No one is going to be happy to hear upon arrival that “unfortunately” the venue double booked and there is no room for your group.
- Verify that your speaker, worship band, and any other special guests are still coming. Just like with the venue, you don’t want to be left expecting someone that either forgot or decided not to come. However, you may want to have a backup speaker or activity planned, because things happen.
- Meet with your volunteers and planning team one last time. As a planner, you must know that your team knows what they are supposed to be doing during the event. Go over schedules, task lists, emergency procedures, and verification of booking. There are too many events where volunteers show up and expect to be told what to do then. To really kick an event off well, those in charge must already know what to expect and what is expected of them.
Retreat planning may seem like a daunting task, but with the right tools and timeline, it can be much more manageable. The number one component to any event is organization. You and your team are well on your way to coordinating a successful event. So get planning, and don’t forget your steps.