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What do Eggs have to do with Jesus?

By Kayla

This Sunday, as we put on those new spring outfits and begin the hunt, we observe one of the most celebrated holidays in the world. For most Americans, this includes bunnies, colorful eggs and mounds of candy. (Fun Fact: Easter is the 2nd largest candy selling holiday, following Halloween.) To Christians, Easter means the resurrection of Jesus Christ. So how did we go from death on the cross to fluffy bunnies hiding eggs?

The main reason people “forget” that Easter is a religious holiday is because they were never told that these symbols were derived from the celebration of the resurrection. For a long time, I was included in that group of people who couldn’t make that link. That was until I heard a sermon that connected all the dots. As with Christmas, these objects are actually symbols with religious meanings. I just so happen to love symbolism, so let’s dive into the many meanings of the Easter egg.

• Eggs are an ancient symbol of new life and rebirth. Jesus, who died on the cross, was resurrected and given new life.
• The shell of the egg represents the sealed tomb in which He was buried. His emergence from that tomb is similar to the shell cracking.
• The hunt for those eggs is the same as the hunt for Jesus when the tomb was discovered empty, as well as, searching for a new life in Him.
• Egg rolling, an alternative to the hunt, reenacts the rolling away of the stone from His tomb.
• Eggs were traditionally a food forbidden during Lent (considered non-dairy because it came from an animal without shedding its blood), meaning Easter Sunday was the first chance to eat eggs again. People celebrated by serving them for Easter dinner.

For those of you who, like me, always thought you weren’t really celebrating Christ by finding pretty eggs, don’t fear, you are doing it right. Now go find some eggs, and have a very happy Easter!

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