all-inclusive [awl-n-kloo-siv]
- everything is counted in one price
An all-inclusive resort on the beach sounds perfect right now in these frigid Midwest temperatures. One price pays for the transportation, room, food, beach, spa, and almost anything else I would need to have a relaxing getaway. Plus, the idea of leaving the wallet at home is such a relief.
Unfortunately, the same adjective used for event venues doesn’t quite mean the same thing. By definition, yes, everything is included for the one price. But planners must remember that all-inclusive venues don’t plan the event. There is still plenty of work to be done. Planners are in charge of what happens, not just along for the ride.
The primary piece is the event schedule. What activities do you want to have? When will you use your meeting space? What time will you eat? All of these things are still up to you to decide. Now, the venue may have guidelines as far as times go, but you should definitely give your preferences when working out the details. And you don’t have to use everything they offer. So, that decision still needs to be made. Let’s face it, if you used every recreation activity, you would have to have at least a week-long event.
Before anyone can attend your event, they need a way to register. The venue may take care of giving you the rooms and information, but it is still up to you to get attendees signed up. This means either breaking out the old paper form or finding a registration software online. Don’t worry, we’ve got some suggestions.
Next, you will have to plan speaker and worship band. Unlike all-inclusive resorts that provide nightly entertainment, you as a planner are in charge of who is speaking to your event guests. Click here for tips on taking care of your speaker.
The final thing you will need are the room assignments. While the venue will give you the rooms you need, it is at your discretion as to whom is placed where. But we know that rooming assignments can be difficult and time-consuming, so we’ve made a list for each Christian Retreats Network property. The last tab in the list includes a contact sheet of all guests for the leader and venue to have during the event. Trust me, the venue will greatly appreciate it.
All-inclusive venues for events mean that the spaces you will be using (i.e. lodging, meeting, dining, recreation) all count in the rate given. This is a great way to ease the burden of planning by knowing upfront what has to be paid and what you have access to. No more showing up to an activity to find out it costs extra! However, that doesn't mean you don't still have work to do on your part. The venue will have everything you need for a successful event. You just have to plan it out. Check out our blog The Devil is in the Details to see all the minor planning details that set an event above the rest.