Okay, maybe not really resolutions, but trends. We know 2020 took a huge hit on the event industry and forced venues and planners alike to improvise, adapt, overcome. So, here are some things to look forward to in 2021 events:
Health pre-screenings – This could be temperature checks at entrances or questionnaires at registration. The idea is that only healthy guests will be allowed admittance, which reduces the risk of spreading viruses. This became a practice in 2020 at not just events, but also tourist attractions, such as museums and aquariums.
Healthy menu – Health has become a high concern for guests. Since eating can affect the immune system, serving the right foods will be an important part of events. The Nutrition Source says, “Examples of nutrients that have been identified as critical for the growth and function of immune cells include vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, selenium, iron, and protein (including the amino acid glutamine).” Therefore, talk to your venue/caterer about including a variety of foods that contain these. Guests will appreciate the options.
Hybrid events – Not everyone will still want to attend in person. But they want to attend. That’s why we will continue to see more trends in hybrid events. This means making your event content accessible via the internet. This could be livestreaming sessions, recording the speakers for people to download later, or providing an interactive platform where off-site guests can chat and post comments.
Helpful SWAG – Most events give guests SWAG (Stuff We All Get) bags. But as we get into 2021, the contents will differ from what we used to get. For example, instead of an event t-shirt, you get a face mask with the event logo on it. Instead of a bottle of water, you may get a bottle of hand sanitizer.
2020 created a new health outlook in events that you can be sure to see in 2021, whether attending or planning.