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Christian Retreats Network

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What’s new in the new year?

By Kayla

Not God.  Well, that doesn’t sound like such a positive answer, but it should truly come as a relief.  No matter how bad things get, we always know that God is not only in control, but also that He never changes.  His love endures forever.

But here are some things that could be new:

  • Your relationship with God
  • Your level of activity in your church
  • Finally going on your church’s annual retreat

That last one may not jump out at you, but it can really make an impact.  Some people are hesitant to go somewhere different with their church.  We call this “off-site ministry”.  It basically means that you are still having ministry and worship services, but they are just at somewhere other than your church, such as a retreat center.  Why go somewhere else when your church is a perfectly good place?

For years, churches have been learning about the benefits of mixing things up once in awhile and taking their members to a retreat center for a few days.  The change of atmosphere can help members to open up, learn new things, and fuel their spirituality. And when that retreat center atmosphere is Christian, how can it get better than that?

2022 is a new year and there is no better time than now to get started or move further in your spiritual journey!  Remember what the Bible says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”  2 Corinthians 5:17

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