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Christian Retreats Network

BlogBlog Post

Spring Cleaning

By Kayla

We’ve been doing a little spring cleaning in the Marketing department and decided it was time to make some updates. At the top of the list were the Activity Guide, Midweek Meetings and Create a Buzz downloads. So I thought I would take this opportunity to share, not just the new content, but also what those documents even are.


What it is: The Activity Guide is full of recreation ideas for retreats. It includes activities that are available at CRN properties, as well as games that you can do on your own, from the classics to out of the box ideas. Ever tried Larger than Life Twister or Potholder Assault? But it’s not all fun and games. There are also articles on the value of recreation, benefits of team building and how to utilize support staff.

What’s new: More game ideas than ever before, especially for those rainy days when outdoor recreation is a bust. Also, some of our properties have added new team building options, such as Swing by Choice and Escape Rooms.


What it is: This document was designed to help planners in the scheduling and execution of meetings during retreats. You may be wondering why you even need a meeting space on a retreat, but this document will help you use it to achieve your retreat goals. Each Christian Retreats Network property includes the use of a meeting space in retreat packages.

What’s new: Fresh ideas on how to use a meeting space; ice breakers, bible studies, guest speaker, and worship band. There are also some tips on how to properly prepare for and set up your meeting space, including a chair configuration diagram. Are your guests not paying much attention? Check out the articles on how to keep the audience engaged. The last thing you want to be heard at your meeting is the growl of protesting stomachs. Learn about meeting room food and beverage service.


What it is: Not many event planners also have marketing and promotion on their resumes. Create a Buzz provides marketing timelines and strategies to help planners get their event in front of the right people.

What’s new: We’ve developed some new promotion materials (flyers, emails, and postcards) and included articles on how to use them. One of the hardest parts of planning can be figuring out when to do what, but fortunately we have developed a step by step guide to keep things organized. What is a retreat without a theme? Find out in our Retreat Themes article and learn the best ways to pick one.

We are professional planners, helping your church every step of the way. This includes providing you with resources to help you with recreation ideas, budgeting, and planning tips.

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Based at Lake Williamson / PO Box 620 / Carlinville, IL 62626