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Christian Retreats Network

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Are retreats only for summer?

By Kayla

During the summer, our properties are full of youth camps, family retreats and leadership conferences. There is a slew of new faces every week. And why wouldn’t there be? The weather is beautiful. The kids are out of school. The lakes and pools are open for swimming. Summer is the perfect time for a retreat.

But it’s not the only time.

Yes, the summer months are nice for swimming and other outdoor activities, but there are plenty of fun things to do during the rest of the year. Granted, the other seasons can still have nice weather that allows for outdoor activities, but it is not as guaranteed as summer. When the air gets too chilly, there are plenty of indoor activities to keep groups happy. Check the venue for a gym, indoor pool, game room and blacklight gym. Not to mention, team building programs can be offered indoors. If you are looking at a fall retreat, what could be more appropriate than a hay ride and bonfire? No, you may not get to fly off the blob into the lake, but there is still plenty of recreation fun to be had during offseason retreats.

As I said in the intro, the summer months are super busy around here, making it hard for new events to secure dates. Planning during the offseason means much more availability. Not only that, but you may even have the whole property to yourself.

What about the kids? Fall and winter retreats are perfect for leadership and adult retreats, because the kids are back in school. However, for those wanting to bring the kiddos, weekends are a great time for retreats. You could even just do a day event. Good planners can get a lot accomplished with time management.

The final pro to choosing an offseason retreat is the price. Less demand means better prices to fill space.

Start booking your fall/winter retreat today, and take advantage of offseason events.

Christian Retreats Network /

Based at Lake Williamson / PO Box 620 / Carlinville, IL 62626