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The Ten Commandments of Planning Meetings

The Ten Commandments of Planning Meetings

BY The CRN Team

Thou shall ask yourself: could this have been an email? Read for ten meeting tips to consider when scheduling your next event planning meeting.

Seven Sustainable Swaps for the Christian Event Planner

Seven Sustainable Swaps for the Christian Event Planner

BY The CRN Team

Time, energy, strategy, creativity, and efficiency are just some of the main ingredients of event planning. But what about sustainability?

The Dos and Don’ts of Planning a Christian Singles Retreat

The Dos and Don’ts of Planning a Christian Singles Retreat

BY The CRN Team

Here are some dos and don'ts to ensure a memorable and meaningful experience!

Must Have Merchandise for Your 2024 Christian Camp Store

Must Have Merchandise for Your 2024 Christian Camp Store

BY The CRN Team

Summer camp swag inspo for your 2024 camp store!

Swag Ideas for Camp

Swag Ideas for Camp

BY Ashley

What kind of products will campers really want?

Do kids get too old for camp?

Do kids get too old for camp?

BY Kayla

Can you outgrow the best week of summer?

It’s all in there

It’s all in there

BY Kayla

Helping your kids pack for a church retreat or camp

Not Just a Summer Job

Not Just a Summer Job

BY Kayla

What it really means to be a camp counselor.

Numbers don’t lie!

Numbers don’t lie!

BY Kayla

Evaluating the person, not just the experience.

Homesickness and the Camper

Homesickness and the Camper

BY Stephanie

Tips on how to cure a homesick camper

Lights, Camera, Action!

Lights, Camera, Action!

BY Kayla

Everything you need to know about making a camp promo video.

Preparing Your Camp Counselors

Preparing Your Camp Counselors

BY Alexis

Training tips to ensure your counselors are ready for a fun week at camp!