BY The CRN Team
In preparation for this blog post, we spoke with our friends and families and asked them to identify some of the top hurdles they face as Christian parents. We came up with a list of five key topics.
BY The CRN Team
This guide is the ultimate tool for event planners! It's packed with 30 exciting games and is designed to cater to all your recreational needs. Here are eight reasons why our guide is a must-have for every organizer and leader on your team.
BY The CRN Team
In today's blog post, we share ways to show students love and support through intentional and planned prayer. Start using these prompts now or save this blog to reference the next time students in your congregation prepare to leave for camp, a retreat, a mission trip, or another transformative experience.
BY The CRN Team
As a Christian leader and event planner, you understand the importance of meaningful connections and appreciate the significance of transformative experiences. The items you offer in your camp store should reflect the values and faith that you uphold. Consider offering items with Christian symbols and messages of faith that are enticing and on-trend. Campers will walk away holding on to not only their memories of camp but also a piece of God's grace.
BY Ashley
What kind of products will campers really want?
BY Kayla
Can you outgrow the best week of summer?
BY Kayla
Helping your kids pack for a church retreat or camp
BY Kayla
What it really means to be a camp counselor.
BY Kayla
Evaluating the person, not just the experience.
BY Stephanie
Tips on how to cure a homesick camper
BY Kayla
Everything you need to know about making a camp promo video.
BY Alexis
Training tips to ensure your counselors are ready for a fun week at camp!