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Praying for Students: Prayer Prompts for Devotions and Ways to Support Students Through Prayer

Praying for Students: Prayer Prompts for Devotions and Ways to Support Students Through Prayer

BY The CRN Team

In today's blog post, we share ways to show students love and support through intentional and planned prayer. Start using these prompts now or save this blog to reference the next time students in your congregation prepare to leave for camp, a retreat, a mission trip, or another transformative experience.

Social Media Safety Measures: Discussing Safe Social Media Practices With Your Youth Group Before Camp

Social Media Safety Measures: Discussing Safe Social Media Practices With Your Youth Group Before Camp

BY Kaitlyn Fath

Social media has become an integral part of the way we communicate. It's a platform for connection, self-expression, and even spiritual growth. However, it's crucial for Christian teens to navigate the virtual world with wisdom and discernment, as it can sometimes be a challenging environment. Here are some safe social media practices to discuss with your teens before leaving for your next retreat.

He Answered Me: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

He Answered Me: May is Mental Health Awareness Month

BY The CRN Team

Teenagers face new and different struggles that didn't exist even ten years ago. Social media and technology continue to change how we communicate in new and unpredictable ways that are fascinating and undoubtedly addicting. Today's teens live in a drastically different world than many of us did in our youth, which makes disconnecting significantly more difficult for them.

Refreshing the Church Website

Refreshing the Church Website

BY Kayla

Without people actually visiting the building, church leaders need to make sure their online presence is as pristine as the pulpit.

Virtual Fellowship

Virtual Fellowship

BY Alexis

A tip on how to keep your congregation connected.

Rooming List

Rooming List

BY Kayla

A download to help event planners stay organized

Registration Information Organization

Registration Information Organization

BY Ashley

New Master Registration Excel Template Download

I'm So Excited!

I'm So Excited!

BY Mary

Getting (And Keeping) Attendees Excited About Attending Your Event



BY Kayla

So Many Automated Robot Things



BY Ashley

and what trends have to do with ministry

Augment Your Guest's Reality

Augment Your Guest's Reality

BY Ashley

If a photo is worth 1,000 words, then how much is an experience worth?

There's another App for That!

There's another App for That!

BY Karen

5 MORE Apps for Event Planners